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Protecting Wall Street or Main Street: SEC Monitoring and Enforcement of Retail-Owned Firms with Michael Iselin (Minnesota), Bret Johnson (George Mason), and Jacob Raleigh (Minnesota)
Forthcoming at The Review of Accounting Studies
WORKING PAPERS (*) - coauthor presented
The Regulatory Spillover Effects of Classifying Municipal Bonds as High-Quality Liquid Assets (Hutchins Center Working Paper #68)
Revise and Resubmit at The Accounting Review
Presentations: University of Minnesota (2020), AAA/Deloitte/J. Michael Cook Doctoral
Consortium (2020), Brookings Institution Municipal Finance Conference (2020), National
University of Singapore (2020), London School of Economics (2021), Cornerstone Research
(2021), and Cornell University (2021)
Accepted for presentation: 2020 LBS Transatlantic Doctoral Conference (Cancelled due to the COVID Pandemic).
Media Mention: The Bond Buyer
Regulatory Leniency and Depositor Discipline with Michael Iselin (Minnesota), Allison Nicoletti (Pennsylvania), and Helen Zhang (Minnesota)
Revise and Resubmit at The Review of Accounting Studies
Presentations: Rice University (2020)*, St. Louis Fed/Indiana University Workshop on Financial Institutions Research (2020)*, and Columbia University (2020)*, and Vienna University
of Economics and Business (2020)*
Pressure from the Crowd: Crowd-Sourced Earnings Forecasts and Earnings Management with K.R. Subramanyam (USC) and Ivy Zhang (UC-Riverside)
Reject and Resubmit at Management Science
Presentations: City University of Hong Kong (2019)*, Hong Kong Polytechnic University (2019)*, AAA FARS Midyear Meeting (2020)*, University of Arizona (2020)*, and USC (2020)*
Level 3 Fair Value Accounting and Systemic Risk with with Scott Liao (Toronto), Ethan Yao (Minnesota), and Helen Zhang (Minnesota)
Presentations: University of Minnesota (2022)*, University of Toronto (2022)*, Rice University (2022)*, Columbia University (2022)*, Chinese University of Hong Kong-Shenzhen (2022)*, Haskayne-Fox Accounting Conference (2022)*, and AAA FARS Midyear Meeting (2023)
Does the Accountant Shortage Impair Efficient Resource Allocation? with Michael Iselin (Minnesota) and Youli Zou (Connecticut)
Presentations: University of Minnesota (2023)* and University of Connecticut (2023)*
Facial Masculinity of Engagement Partners and Audit Quality with Andrew Fluharty (Minnesota-Duluth), Xinyuan Shao (Minnesota), and Pervin Shroff (Minnesota)
Presentations: London School of Economics (2022) and AAA Annual Meeting (2022)*
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